Thursday, February 19, 2009

My lovely pc...

Here she is my lovely sweet heart, as i wanted to play my lovely GTA 4 to shoot out all my moody stuff... she told me that i couldn't connect online, so i can't play the lovely game and so i turn it of... and to my surprise, my baby cannot log in to the Farking window!!!!!!! #@#&%^#$*$*^$*^*@$@$#^%$%^#%^#%^#$%#$%&%$#

ok.. steady.. take a deep breath, what to do next? format it? or keep on trying to log in?? I choose the second one, but it seems my baby is protesting me due to the over clocking to push her limit so that i can play my GTA 4 with full spec... so she do not allowed me to back up All my data ah!!!!

After thinking for seconds, i just reinstall window, to retrieve my data and format it once and for all.. stupid shit ass pc.. gonna throw you down the window!!!


  1. You language were so boorish..

  2. what can do? to stress facing her already.. hahaha

  3. Waliao calm down bro Lol dont go too deep for your Pc..

  4. haha.. i wont go deep for my pc.. just piss off only.. cause i need to rush assignment and the pc gone corrupted
